To make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify..
Multi-user (Linux)
General Ledger
   - Management Reporting
   - Budget and Expenditure Management
   - Project Budgeting
Band Membership (Community Database)
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Canadian Payroll
Social Assistance/Income Support (BC, AB, Sask and MB) (Integrated)
Housing and Asset Management
Extended Data Solutions (Adaptive Invoicing) (Child Welfare, Housing)
Electronic Banking - Direct Electronic Funds Transfer (DEFT)
Report Writer Designer
Purchase Orders w/Commitment Accounting
DoculinX (Electronic Filing Cabinet)
Purchase Orders w/Commitment Accounting
GST Tracking and Recovery
Product Integration means more than just having the one software module interface with another.  Xyntax believes that a fully integrated solution for the First Nation, encompasses training and support for all departments.  Often, non-financial department managers are left out of the financial reporting process.
Xyntax's unique user interface allows the non-financial manager and even the 'computer challenged' individual to access their departmental reports, locally or remotely, without compromising system security.
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